Querido Abuelo,
La foto de la postal es el edificio de la Berliner Tageblatt
después de la reforma y ampliación de Mendelsohn y
Neutra del año 1923. Esta a continuación es una cita del
propio Mendelsohn justificando conceptualmente el uso
de lineas horizontales en sus proyectos de aquellos años.
"A new rhythm has seized the world, a new movement.
The man of the Midle Ages, out of the horizontal calm of
his contemplative working-day, needed the vertical
cathedral in order to find his God high above him. The
man of our day, out of the excitement of his rapid life,
can find compensation only in an unrestrained horizontality.
Only by the will to realize facts will be able to master his
unrest; only by the highest degree of speed can he conquer his haste. The rotating earth stands still"
Un beso.