1828. New York World's Fair. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Exhibit.

Dear Norman,

"I am as much interested in the smallest detail as in
the whole structure" (Marcel Breuer)


1827. Arizona Biltmore, The Desert Hotel

Dear Steve,

The wonderful Biltmore Hotel was designed by
Albert McArthur and not by Frank Lloyd Wright as
many people believe.
Mr. McArthur was Harvard trained in architecture,
engineering, mathematics and music.


1825. Stockholmsutställningen 1930

Querida Cristina,

Una postal de la época con el famoso restaurante
Paraíso diseñado por Erik Gunnar Asplund y delante
de éste el gran mástil publicitario de Sigurd Lewerentz.

Un beso,

1824. Frankfurt A.M. Heidenheim

Dear Jan,

Siedlung Römerstadt is a famous housing estate including
more than 1200 residential units, about half of them
apartment units and the other half terraced family housing.
The estate was planned by Ernst May and the housing
designed by Carl-Hermann Rudloff between 1925 and 1929.
The general layout resembles somehow the one for the
siedlung Törten in Dessau designed by Walter Gropius.

Best regards,

1823. Aero-porto Santos Dumont

Dear Kia,

The historic passenger terminal of the Santos Dumont
Airport was designed and built by architect brothers Marcelo, Milton and Mauricio Roberto 
(MMM Roberto) from 1936 through 1947. The terminal design was inspired in first Paris airport (Le Bourget Airport).


1822. Sydney Opera House N.S.W.

Dear Sybille

"The structure and strict geometry expresses the logic
of the building" (Jørn Utzon)

1821. Siege Memorial to the Honoured Dead, Kimberley

Dear Elon,

The Siege Memorial to the Honoured Dead in Kimberley
was designed by British architect Herbert Baker who
took inspiration for its design from the Nereid Monument
(390 BC) at Xanthos in Lycia, Turkey.
