1330. Aarhus. Aerial view

Estimado Félix,

"El ayuntamiento fue diseñado hasta el último detalle;
incluso los pomos de las puertas y las cerraduras fueron
diseñadas y adjudicadas su fabricación. Así se hacían las
cosas en aquellos tiempos, cuando no existía tanta 
variedad de elementos aceptables en el mercado" 
(Erik Møller)

Saludos afectuosos,

1329. Villa Savoye

Dear Tim,

"Standing in a field, you cannot see very far. What 
is more, the soil is unhealthy, damp, etc. To live in 
it, consequently, the real garden of the house will 
not be a ground level, but above it, 3.5 meters up: 
this will be the hanging garden whose surface is 
dry and healthy, and from it you will get a good 
view of the landscape, much better than if you had
stayed below" (Le Corbusier)

Kind regards,

1328. Holyrood Building, Aug 2003. Queensberry House

Estimado Luis,

"Fue algo increible cuando me enteré de que había ganado el concurso. Había puesto una botella de champán durante una semana en la nevera, esperando y rezando que yo fuera el ganador" (E. Miralles)


1327. Madrid. Retiro

Querida Pilar,

La polémica Torre de Valencia es un edificio que mira el
horizonte del Parque del Retiro. Sverre Fehn dijo alguna vez que la arquitectura es aquello que hace visible el horizonte.


1326. Guangzhou Opera House

Dear Frank,

"As an architect, your client is no longer a single person or type of person - your client is everyone." (Zaha Hadid, 1950-2016)

Best wishes,

1325. Park Inn, Mason City, Iowa

Querido Eugenio,

"Cuida un hotel vacío, que está en la loma, frente al parque (...)
Fuí un par de veces a visitarlo, hay cuartos y cuartos
desocupados a lo largo de un pasillo. El duerme en distintas
camas, así, según dice, mantiene las piezas aireadas"
(Ricardo Piglia, "Los Diarios de Emilio Renzi. Los Años
de Formación)

Un abrazo sincero,

1324. Belo Horizonte. Conjunto Kubitschek

Dear Oscar,

"The unexpected, irregularity, surprise, or astonishment are
essential parts and characteristics of beauty"
(Charles Baudelaire)


1323. Museu Serralves, Porto, Portugal

Dear Frank,

"Complexity and order create in the materials, the volumes, and spaces a luminous vibration and 
permanent availability. This is why architecture 
does not regulate behavior in a significant way; 
but is in no way a neutral framework" (Alvaro Siza)

Best wishes,

1322. L'Institut international de l'innovation et de la prospective. Poitiers

Dear Antoine,

The Baha'i House of Worship was built by Fariborz Sahba
in New Delhi (India) in 1986, and the Innovation and Foresight International Institute by Denis Laming in Poitiers (France), a year later in 1987. Both buildings were clearly inspired by the form of a lotus flower. The first one closed and the latest opened.


1321. Café de Unie, Rotterdam

Dear Hannes,

"De Unie is the first genuine example of a uniform attempt to perfect architecture and advertising" 
(Walter Dexel, 1928)


1320. Madrid. Torre Picasso

Dear Inés,,

"I feel that architects must think of architecture as a result of human experience. If we don't do this, architecture becomes either an abstract form, an example of certain technique, a clever device, a sculpture, or whatever it may be, which in any case are only expressing the architect's individual desire while thinking as an artist." 
(Minoru Yamasaki)


1319. Kursaal, San Sebastian - Donostia

Dear Paloma,

"In discussing the architecture of the Kursaal, it is essential to mention the debt to the sculpture of Jorge Oteiza. Oteiza helps us understand how primary solids are activated in the hands of the sculptor, who imbues them with a desire for motion." (Rafael Moneo)


1318. Breakfast at Sardis's-Hollywood Blvd. near Vine

Dear Richard,

"Sight is not the sense that allows us perceive architecture
but living" (Rudolph Schindler)
