1723. Helsinki Tullimakasiini

Dear Elissa,

Gunnar Taucher, who was Helsinki's city architect 
from 1924 to 1941, designed many public buildings 
including housing, hospitals, schools, and many other 
facilities. Among these, his harbor warehouses shown 
in the picture. Today this building is serving as a 
terminal for the Viking Line ferries company.


1722. Hälsning från Eslöv

Dear Bengt,

Hans Asplund, the son of Gunnar Asplund, was also 
as his father was, an important architect and professor. 
The Community Center (Medborgarhuset) at Eslöv 
(shown on the top right picture) is one of his first and 
most successful projects.


1721. Kastrup Flyverbo

Dear Hans,

Flyverbo in Kastrup, a suburb of Copenhagen where 
the main international airport of the country is located, 
is a large residential building that Thomsen and 
Kampmann designed and built for the DDL 
(Danish Airline) workers between 1947 and 1949.


1720. Sagrada Familia, Gaudí

Querido David,

"La inteligencia sin ambición es un pájaro sin alas"
(Salvador Dalí)


1719. Concepción, Chile, Estación Ferrocarriles del Estado

Querida Mónica,

"Primera condición de toda obra maestra: pasar inadvertida"
(Nicanor Parra, poeta chileno)


1718. Berlin-Reinickendorf-Ost, Aroser-allee mit Brückenhaus

Dear Sybi,

In addition to the Siemensstadt housing estate and the
"Horseshoe" settlement in Britz among others, the 
"White Town" at the village of Reinickendorf was one 
of the most remarkable functionalist residential 
communities built in Berlin in the 1930s.
The centerpiece of this 60,000 square meter estate was 
the bridge-like building across the Aroser Allee built 
by Otto Rudolf Salvisberg.


1717. Stockholmsutställningen 1930

Dear Anne,

"(...) my parents went to visit the grand exhibition 
in Stockholm in 1930. (...) There they were exposed 
to a new and simple, white architecture that drew in 
light and air, one that let in the sunshine and paid 
homage to the practicality, the uncovered- you might 
call it the functionalist. This was evident in Gunnar 
Asplund's exhibition buildings that were made with 
light constructions and emanating something 
completely new in Scandinavia.(...) (Jörn Utzon)


1716. Terme Radioattive Regina Isabella Lacco Ameno (Isola Ischia)

Querido Gio,

"Dejando intactos solo la columnata exterior, su nombre, los buenos augurios, y la historia sin cambios" 
(Ignazio Gardella)

Saludos cordiales,

1715. Secessions-Ausstellung, Wien

Querida Cristina,

Te mando un preciosa postal de 106 años de antigüedad.
Esta es además un magnífico complemento de otra que publiqué en este blog hace ahora casi diez años el día 7 
de enero de 2009 (postal número 176).

Todo mi cariño y feliz año nuevo.