1731.City Hall Loop, Rapid Transit Tunnel, New York, NY

Dear George,

"The architects of America owe him [Rafael Guastavino Moreno] a debt of gratitude for not only having been a faithful and conscientious contractor, but for having made possible a larger field of architectural design." 
(Peter B. Wight)


1730. Berlin Reinickendorf Aroser Allee

Dear Peter,

(...) Si nosotros encontráramos también una pura,
contenida, estrecha, humana franja de huerto, nuestra,
entre el río y la roca (...)
(Rainer Maria Rilke "Las Elegías de Duíno" 1922)


1729. Järvenpää, Suomi Finland

Dear Joonas,

The interior of this church in Järvenpää is full of 
dramatic and beautiful effects shaped by natural light. 
Just because of that this church is considered to be a 
remarkable example of Finish architectural modernism.


1728. University of Jyväskylä. The Teachers Training School and the Main Building in the background

Dear Ilkka,

When designing the plans for the Jyväskylä Institute 
of Pedagogics in 1951 Aalto envisioned this place to 
become the "Athens of the North" as he was inspired 
by the Greek Acropolis layout.


1727. Santander, Puerto, muelle de Calderón


Este es uno de los edificio-barcos que vimos en nuestros 
paseos por la maravillosa ciudad de Santander. El otro 
fue el cercano Edificio Siboney, también con muchas 
referencias náuticas aunque no tan evidentes como las 
de este Club Náutico.


1726. FIAT Turín - The spiral roadway which leads to the roof track

Dear Marco,

"The spiral is a spiritualized circle. In the spiral form, the circle, uncoiled, has ceased to be vicious;  it has been set free" (Vladimir Nabokov)

Best regards,

1725. Brasilia, Torre Televisão

Dear Norman,

"If you go to see Brasilia, the important thing is this: you may or may not like the buildings, but you could never say you had seen something similar before" (Oscar Niemeyer)

P.S. Oscar Niemeyer was the architect of most of buildings of new capital city Brasilia and Lucio Costa the urban planner. The Television Tower is though a project of architecture signed by Lucio Costa.


1724. Longaberger basket building

Dear Louise,

"Symbol dominates space. Architecture is not enough. 
Because the spatial relationships are made by symbols 
more than by forms, architecture in this landscape 
becomes symbol in space rather than form in space." 
(Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, Steven Izenour, 
Learning from Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of 
Architectural Form)
