2201. The Library. The Phillips Exeter Academy


Dear William,

"This is the place of the books. So you feel the building
has the invitation of books." (Louis I. Kahn)


2200. Myyrmäki Church, Vantaa


Dear Aarno,

"To me, a building as it stands, as a 
piece of architecture, is nothing. Its
meaning comes only in counterpoint
with its surroundings, with life, and
with light." (Juha Leiviskä)


2199. Church of the Light, Ibaraki


Dear Koichi,

"In all my works, light is an important 
controlling factor. I create enclosed spaces
mainly by means of thick concrete walls.
The primary reason is to create a place for
the individual, a zone for oneself within
society. When the external factors of a 
city's environment require the wall to be
without openings, the interior must be
especially full and satisfying." 
(Tadao Ando)


2198. Jungendstil in Wien. Kirche am Steinhof.


Dear Walter,

"Each new style gradually emerges from the earlier
one when new methods of construction, materials,
human tasks, and viewpoints demand a change of
reconstitution of existing forms." (Otto Wagner)

All the best,

2197. VitraHaus. Vitra Campus. Weil am Rhein, Germany


Dear Frank,

"By superimposing one form on top of
another, you add a new element, another
gesture. (...) We wanted a fairly sculptural
and complex result, like a landscape,
intense." (Jacques Herzog)


2195. Matsal och sällskapsrum, Hotell Borgafjãll


Dear Mats,

"If you don't love people, you can't make good
architecture". (Ralph Erskine)


2193. Chiesa di Dio Padre Misericordioso, Roma


Dear Paolo,

"Rome has not seen a modern building in more than
half a century. It is a city frozen in time."
(Richard Meier)
