1486. Otaniemi. Institute of Technology

Dear Timo,

"The very essence of architecture consists of a variety 
and development reminiscent of natural organic life. 
This is the only true style in architecture" 
(Alvar Aalto)


1485. Moscow. Club Soueff, Lesnaia Street

Dear Irina,

This eye-catching view of the Zuev's workers club was taken in the 1930s, soon after his inauguration.
Architect Golosov embraced expressionism and dynamism in his works and in this building he was so successful that it became almost immediately an icon of Soviet Constructivist architecture.


1483. Riga. Centralais Kolhozu tirgus

Dear Martin,

The largest market complex in Europe with more than
16,000 square meters is located in Riga, Latvia. Construction began in 1924 and ended in 1930. Since 1998 it is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


1482. Plaza Tamayo, La Paz, Bolivia

Querido Juan,

Te mando una postal de la Plaza Tamayo en La Paz. El edificio alto es conocido como Monoblock y pertenece a la universidad. Se inauguró en  1947 y fue el primer "rascacielos" de la ciudad con sus 13 plantas. Es obra del famoso arquitecto boliviano Emilio Villanueva y aunque obra moderna tiene elementos estilísticos propios del art deco y del estilo local Tiwanaku.

Un abrazo,

1481. Halsingborg. St.Jorgens Plats med St.Jorgenfontanen

Dear Glenn,

Visiting beautiful Helsingborg in southern Sweden. This
is a view of a functionalist apartment building that although it seems to be new was built in 1936.

All the best,

1480. National Farmers Bank, Owatonna, Minn.

Dear Russell,

"Every building is like a person: single and unrepeatable"
(Louis H. Sullivan)


1479. Sevilla Exposición Ibero Americana Pabellón de Chile.

Querido Manolo,

"El conjunto encuadrado en los jardines interpretará el
espiritu chileno, sin recurrir para ello a motivos coloniales, sino a agrupaciones de volúmenes y trozos de escultura y pintura capaces de sugerir el ambiente de un pueblo y de hacernos adivinar su cultura" (Juan Martínez Gutiérrez)

Un fuerte abrazo,

1478. Shukkhov tower, Russia

Dear Ken,

"A structure becomes architectural, and not sculptural, when its elements are no longer their justification in nature" (Guillaume Apollinaire)


1477. Teatro Regio Torino, Italy

Dear Teresa,

"Myth is nothing new as a means to better understand the
moral of reality" (Carlo Mollino)


1476. La Pobla de Lillet. Chalet-refugio Catllaràs

Querida Cristina,

Encontré ésta interesante postal del chalet refugio que
Gaudí construyó en la Pobla de Lillet en 1905 para su
conocido mecenas el empresario Güell.


1475. Helsinki. Lentoasema. The aerodrome

Dear Helene

Today I arrived to Malmi airport in Helsinki, the oldest airport in Finland still in use. This wonderful building was opened in 1938 and its plan although in a undeniable functionalist style resembles also to a gigantic machine rotor.
