372. Cuneo. Corso Vittorio Veneto

Dear Carlo,

This is the Carlo Mollino's first work. It was built in 1934.
It is known that he envisaged a two-tone paint scheme:
yellow for the projecting parts and red for the recessed
walls and stairwell.


370. Darmstadt Kunstlerkolonie

Dear Erik,

The Haus Christiansen was designed by Olbrich who
included in the design of this house some ideas of the
owner and painter Hans Christiansen. Christiansen
himself collaborated actively in the construction
process by creating a large-scale, partly figurative
painting in one of the facades. The building was
completely destroyed during the Second World War.


369. Kobenhavn. Den Danske Statsradiofoni

Dear Lin,

Jorn Utzon lived across the street at the time while the
Concert Hall Radiohus was being completed in 1945.
His friend Tobias Faber was also employed by Lauritzen
supervising construction. It is not by chance that the shell
roof of Sydney Opera House shared some similarities
with Lautitzen's Radiohus.

Best regards.

368. CCTV Building. Beijing

Dear Jan,

"Early 2002 we received two invitations, one to apply to
consider what should happen at Ground Zero, the other
for the headquarters of China Central Television in Beijing.
We discussed the choice over a Chinese meal. The life of
the architect is so fraught with uncertainty and dilemmas
that any clarification of the future, including astrology, is
disproportionately welcome. My fortune cookie read,
"Stunningly Omnipresent Masters make minced meat of
memory" (Rem Koolhaas)


367. Barcelona. Facultad de derecho en la Zona Universitaria

Querida Olga,

La Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona
gano el premio FAD en 1958 y es considerado por muchos
uno de los referentes dentro de la arquitectura moderna
española. Oriol Bohigas llego a decir de esta obra que fue
el primer edificio publico moderno y civilizado construido
en Cataluña despues de la guerra.


366. Werkbund. Ausstellung Die Wohnung Stuttgart 1927. Le Corbusier

Querida Zenobia,

De un gran poeta como Le Corbusier a otro como
Juan Ramon:


Tu , Platero, no has subido nunca a la azotea.
No puedes saber que honda respiracion ensancha
el pecho cuando al salir a ella de la escalerilla
oscura de madera se siente uno quemado en el
sol pleno del dia, anegado de azul como al lado
mismo del cielo, ciego del blancor de la cal, con
la que, como sabes, se da al suelo de ladrillo para
que venga limpia al aljibe el agua de las nubes.
!Que encanto el de la azotea!

("Platero y Yo"-Juan Ramon Jimenez)

Desgraciadamente hoy aqui en Stuttgart no estaba
el cielo tan blanco.


365. Goteborg. Lilla Bommen

Dear Bob,

The Lilla Bommen building that is situated at the entrance
of the Goteborg Canal, recalls appropriately a giant
navigational aid or floating objects that are anchored to
the bottom and are also known as buoys. Anyway this
building is commonly referred to by the locals as "The


364. Tampere. Kalevan Kirkko

Dear Malcolm,

"I tried to achieve a visual weightlessness by using 
rhythmic and light kinetics of broken line chains in 
constantly evolving series. It is similar to the quick 
sequences in organ music. Kaleva church fights 
against the traditional idea of wall heaviness" 
(Reima Pietilä)


363. Torino. Interno Palazo del Ghiaccio


Se me olvido incluirte otra de la sala pequeña. Con una
estructura tan elocuente como la de la sala grande.
