1897. Irwin Union Bank and Trust Company, Columbus IN


Dear Astrid,

"I don't think it would be just the way it is unless you 
and I had been to Cordoba and seen the mosque. 
It is a wonderful opportunity to do something really 
good and different because the client is simply out of 
this world. It is going to be a bank without any 
pompousness, absolutely no intention to impress."
(Eero Saarinen)


1896. Yoyogi National Gymnasium, Tokyo, Japan


Dear Udo,

"The biggest problem, with respect to the interior 
space, was guaranteeing that it not take on inhuman 
proportions when empty or filled with just a few 
people.We wanted to create and maintain a unified 
environment where athletes and spectators share 
growing mutual emotion.

A single space—not closed and oppressive but free 
and open—a space in which the fifteen thousand 
spectators can also move and flow ‘gently’ in 
functional and psychological terms." (Kenzo Tange)

Best regards,

1895. Columbus City Hall, Indiana


Dear Ed,

"Mr. Bassett was a leader in the efforts of younger 
modern architects to seek alternatives to the arid 
formulas of the International Style" 
(Allan Temko)


1894. Casa de Gobierno, Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina


Querido Julio,

"Cuando vos pensás una obra de arquitectura, pensás
en todo, o sea, vos haces una fachada y sabés cómo
es adentro, aunque no lo dibujes" (Clorindo Testa)


1893. Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Zacatenco, México


Querido Armando,

"La arquitectura no es decorativa porque no puede 
sustraerse a la comunicación de un mensaje ético 
o político" (Reinaldo Pérez Rayón)

Con afecto,

1892. Lincoln Elementary School, Columbus, IN


Dear Amy,

“I use the process of organic synthesis to bring 
together all the factors to be considered in the 
conceptualization of an appropriate solution 
expressive of our times.” (Gunnar Birkerts)


1891. Plaça Las Glorias i Diagonal. Barcelona


Querido Berto,

"Recuerdas cuánto solías cruzar el río, cerca de
las casas, el pequeño puente del bosque"
(Yves Duteuil)


1890. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research. Chandigarh


Dear Jan,

"The purpose of construction is to make things hold
together; of architecture to move us" (Le Corbusier)


1889. Estação Rodoviária de Londrina


Querida Cristina,

Esta es una postal de época que muestra una imagen
magnífica de la fascinante Estación de Autobuses de 
Londrina proyectada por el gran arquitecto
brasileño Vilanova Artigas. Destaca su expresiva y
valiente estructura que recuerda a otras proyectos
contemporáneos de Afonso Eduardo Reidy y de 
Oscar Niemeyer.  La estación dejó de funcionar con
ese uso hace tiempo, restaurada en 1993 pasó a 
albergar el Museo de Arte de Londrina hasta la 

Muchos besos,