352. Burroughs Wellcome Co.
Dear Tony,
"What the architect has to offer in the final analysis has
not changed through the centuries. Only the means
change, not the end" (Paul Rudolph)
351. Phaeno Science Center, Wolfsburg, Germany
350. Lieksan Kirkko
349. Petronas Twin Towers. Kuala Lumpur
348. Tropicana Night Club, Havana, Cuba
Dear Anna,
Max Borges along with Felix Candela created in 1951
the very famous Tropicana's Arcos de Cristal. Many
pieces of furniture displayed were designed by American
designers Charles and Ray Eames. The Arcos de Cristal
was one of only few Cuban buildings included in the 1955
Museum of Modern Art exhibit entitled "Latin American
Architecture since 1945."
347. Zaragoza. Pabellon puente sobre el rio Ebro
Querido Carlos,
Siempre recordare a Rafael Gonzalez Sandino, con su
mano posada en la frente y sus ojos perdidos en el
infinito recitando a Rilke cuando nos hablaba de
arquitectura y filosofia:
(...) Si nosotros encontráramos también una pura,
contenida, estrecha, humana franja de huerto, nuestra,
entre el río y la roca (...)
(Rainier Maria Rilke “Las Elegías de Duíno” 1922)
Zaha Hadid construyo algo de esa franja, yo creo.
346. Algeciras (Cadiz) Plaza de Abastos
345. Sao Paulo. Vista Aerea Estadio Cicero Pompeu de Toledo, Morumbi
344. Charles and Ray in the living room of the Eames House 1975
Dear Tanu,
I was very lucky last week when I had a chance of
visiting The Eames House. As you know, this house
was built in 1949 by husband-and-wife design pioneers
Charles & Ray Eames, to serve as their home and
studio. Since then the house has became a strong
architectural statement while remaining an amazingly
comfortable and functional living space. The interior
including furnitures and all kind of objects remains very
much the same they were in the Eames' lifetimes. Now
the Eames House is the home of the Eames Foundation.
See you on Monday.
343. The Garden Grove Community Church
Dear Jan,
The first walk-in/drive-in church built
in the world by Richard Neutra is more
an architectural environment rather than
a typical building. When the massive
windows open, the building becomes a
continuos environment throughout the
parking lot and beyond. Neutra said about
Garden Grove that it is a place where
anyone can sit not only in the sanctuary but
also in his car, familiar and dear to the
American as a second family home.
Hope you are doing well.
342. School ala Merelstraat. Hilversum
341. Darmstadt. Kunstlerkolonie Portal Ernst-Ludwig-Haus
340. Hotel Las Salinas. Lanzarote. Islas Canarias
339. Napoli. Nuovo Palazzo della Poste
338. Park Avenue. New York
Dear Koji,
"I am, in fact, completely opposed
to the idea that a specific building
should have an individual character.
Rather, I believe that it should
express a universal character which
has been determined by the total
problem which architecture must
strive to solve"
(Mies van der Rohe on the
Seagram Building)
Best regards.
337. Cathedrale de la Resurrection Evry-Eassone
336. Sao Paulo Vista Parcial do Tunel Av. 9 de Julho com MASP
Aqui te mando una postal del MASP de Lina Bo Bardi
con una pequeña cita de ella que explica bien su forma
de pensar: "Time is a spiral, Beauty in itself is something
that doesn't really exist. It exists during a historic period
(of time), and then the fashion changes it becomes
something bad. In the Sao Paulo Art Museum I only
tries to re assume certain positions. I didn't look for
beauty. I looked for freedom"(L. Bo Bardi)
Un beso.
335. Mallorca. Hotel de Mar
334. Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Charles River, Cambridge, Massachusetts
333. Rear Courtyard. Yale University Art Gallery
332. Paris. La Cite Universitaire
331. Penguins' pool
Querida Cristi,
Como sé que no pudiste ir a ver la fosa de los pingüinos
en el Zoo de Londres, te envío esta postal. También una
cita "aclaratoria" de Tafuri:
"El constructivismo teatral tendrá todavía una ulterior
expresión trágicamente irónica. En la fosa de los pingüinos del Zoo de Londres (1932-1933), Berthold Lubetkin utilizará, casi como una cita literal, las rampas helicoidales proyectadas por El Lissitzky para Meyerhold. El espacio envolvente es utilizado para un zoo: aquí es el pingüino el que es envuelto, en tanto que el hombre, mas allá de la valla, se reserva el papel de espectador pasivo"
(M. Tafuri-La Esfera y el Laberinto)
Mil besos
330. Aveiro, Portugal
328. Piscina Hotel Galua Hacienda 2 Mares, La Manga del Mar Menor, Murcia
Querido José Ramón,
Con esta elegante fachada-sección del Hotel que Corrales
y Molezun hicieran en la Manga, recuerdo espontáneamente una cadencia similar en un edificio de apartamentos que tu junto a otros proyectasteis en los 90 y que queda muy cerca de la Estación de Santa Justa de Sevilla. Siempre me asombró la gracia natural de ese inmueble. Gracias por "copiar"tan elegantemente.
Un abrazo.
327. R.K.H. Pastoor van Ars Kerk Den Haag Holland
Dear Peter and Alison,
Aldo van Eyck wanted to combine
in this Catholic Church in the The
Hague the quality of a low crypt-like
space with that of a high gothic
church. In this picture you can see the
tall space that according to Aldo
became a kind of interior street with
the divers sacred places stringing
along it.
326. Marseille. La Cite Radieuse
324. Karl-Marx-Stadt
Querido abuelo Joaquin,
En la Karl Marx Stadt o Ciudad de Karl Marx aun
permanece milagrosamente en pie despues de los
bombardeos del 45 el edificio Schocken de
Mendelsohn construido en 1930 y que es
considerado uno de los hitos de la arquitectura
moderna. Aqui te mando una vista sesgada muy rara
de ver. Es el edificio alto hacia la izquierda de la foto
con el remate escalonado. Esta vista es posible porque
cuando se tomo esta foto el edificio vecino habia sido
demolido (o bombardeado?). En la mente de
Mendelsohn este edificio solo podia ser contemplado
frontalmente y a lo largo de sus elegantes lineas curvas.
Un beso cariñoso
323. Berlin. Alexanderplatz
Querida Regina,
A veces al mirar los dos edificios especulares que Behrens
construyo para la Alexanderplatz recuerdo la manera en
que el Adam Pollo de Le Clezio soñaba vivir: pongo dos
hamacas frente a frente, debajo de la ventana, asi, a eso
del mediodia, me tiendo y duermo al sol, delante del paisaje.
322. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Victoria Square
Dear Pier,
La Tour de la Bourse is a skyscraper built in 1964 by
Luigi Moretti and Pier Luigi Nervi. It is considered by
many to be a masterpiece of skyscraper design. Its
facades feature a bronze-tinted curtain wall that
establish a strong counterpoint with the whiteness of
the columns at the corners.
321. Macroplaza, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Dear Ralph,
Two thin slices painted in bright red form a stele that it
is also a tower; Barragan's one of his obsessions. He
wanted it reaches towards the sky and beyond with
the aid of laser light beams creating a magic effect of
scale that could be consistent with the tremendous size
of the Monterrey's Macroplaza
320. Sevilla. Olimpico
Querida Lucia,
Cruz y Ortiz hablan de este edificio de un manera muy
poetica. Hablan de un edificio vestido, con muchas
capas; de un edificio que contiene un estadio en su
interior; de un gran edificio industrial que contiene unos
graderios; de un gran edificio de fachadas quebradas
en la que al sur se abre una gran ventana...
Besos mil
319. Kobenhavn. Gammel Torv med Domkirken
318. Buenos Aires. Edificio Comega
Querido Ricardo,
El Comega siempre me pareció
estar mirando al rio como
distraidamente pero sin dejar
nunca de hacerlo. Pienso en él al
leer un poema de Julio Cortazar
llamado "La Ciudad" que dice asi:
El rio baja por las costas
con su alternada indiferencia
y la ciudad lo considera
como una perra perezosa.
Ni amor, ni espera, ni el combate
del nadador, contra la nada.
Con languidez de cortesana
mira a su rio Buenos Aires.
El tiempo es ese gris compadre
pitando alli sin hacer nada.
317. Den Haag. Madurodam
Querida Amparo,
En la ciudad de La Haya, en el Parque Madurodam,
existe una ciudad en miniatura con maquetas que
recrean en escala 1:25 casi todos los edificios
importantes de Holanda. Alli me lleve la sorpresa
de disfrutar entre otras, de la maqueta de la Escuela
Artesanal de Scheveningen, obra primorosa de
Johannes Duiker y Bernard Biljvoet de 1929.
Un beso de tu hermano.
316. Stuttgart. Weissenhof-Siedlung
Dear Hugo,
Yesterday I spent some hours visiting the site of the
Weissenhofsiedlung. I noticed there were a very few
people there so for me the day was quiet and the weather
just perfect. Fortunately I carried with me an old copy of
Henry Ford's autobiography and had time to read it all
when in there. Sitting near the big double "billboard" that
Corbu's houses were then, facing to the city down below,
I had my mind transported back to the hyperactivity of
this place in 1927.
Thank you for your contribution.
315. de Erasmusbrug
Dear Jan
"The good thing about producing a building is that,
much more so than when a new film or novel comes
out, people keep interacting with it for a long time.
The true nature of architecture is found in the
interaction between the architect, the object and the
public." (from UNStudio.com)
Best wishes.
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