2264. Centre National d'art et de culture Georges-Pompidou

Dear Louise,

"My level of French at the time was that of a schoolboy,
moreover, the level of a schoolboy who was always
clowning about at school. The person asked me if I
was Mr. Piano and on my confirmation of this fact,
announced that we were "lauréats". I replied that it
was obvious that we were architecture graduates,
otherwise it was evident that we couldn't practice
this profession. So the poor woman had to repeat to
me for several minutes that we were laureates, until
I finally understood that that meant we had won the
competition." (Renzo Piano)

Best regards,

2263. Tapiola. Hagalund. Tapionlinna.


Dear Timo,

“We do not want to build houses or dwellings but
socially healthful surroundings for contemporary 
man and his family.”(Original slogan for the
Tapiola project)


2262. Wien. Sperrfchiff in Nussdorf

Dear Anna,

“Only that which is practical can be beautiful.”
(Otto Wagner)


2261. Berlin. Jüdisches Museum.


Dear Claudia,

“To provide meaningful architecture is
not to parody history but to articulate it.”
(Daniel Libeskind)


2260. La Casa Bellesguard.


Querido Jordi,

“En Bellesguard hay cosas que todavía 
no sé porqué se sostienen.”
(Joan Rubio, ayudante de Gaudí)

Saludos cordiales,

2259. Milwaukee County War Memorial


Dear Brandon,

“Function influence but does not dictate form.”
(Eero Saarinen)


2258. Lima, Perú. Teatro Segura y Edificio Atlas.


Querido Paco,

Esta es una vieja postal del edificio para la 
Compañía de Seguros Atlas terminado en 1955.
El edificio cuenta con once plantas con una terraza
ajardinada en la mas superior. 
Los planos de este edificio con claras referencias a
la arquitectura de Niemeyer son parte de la colección 
permanente del MoMA de Nueva York.

Un abrazo,

2257. Wayne Township, Indiana


Dear Sammy,

The United Arts Center in central Fort Wayne, IN
was the only part built of a more ambitious arts
complex including a philharmonic hall, an art school,
an art museum and more facilities forming a projected 
campus of nine buildings. Eventually only the Theatre 
of Performing Arts was built due to a lack of funding. 
This theater can be seen in the foreground at the center 
of this contemporary postcard.


2256. Royal Crescent and the Circus, Bath.


Dear Leonardo,

“Nature is not longer the servant of
architecture. The two are equals.”
(Nikolaus Pevsner).


2255. Møllevangskirken. Aarhus


Querido Carlos,

Esta magnífica iglesia de Møllevangskirken en Aarhus
fue construida por el legendario arquitecto danés
C.F. Møller. La iglesia está enraizada en las antiguas
tradiciones danesas y nórdicas del uso del ladrillo
y la madera como materiales más comunes pero con
un planteamiento del espacio interior plenamente
