592. 17 Wylde St. Potts Point N.S.W

Dear Harry,

This modernist curved structure is one of Sydney's 
best apartment buildings. It was designed by 
crimean-australian emigre architect Aaron Bolot 
in 1951. It is one of the first buildings to employ a segmental radial floor plan layout. A little later 
Finish architect Alvar Aalto designed and built 
in 1959-62 a similar but much higher, structure in Bremen, Germany.

Happy new year.

591. Villa Bianca. Seveso, Milano.

Dear Cousin Angelo,

I found this postcard of your villa and decided to buy
a copy for you. Take it as a little Thank you Card for
trusting so much in me during the design and building
processes of your new home. I am glad to know you
and your lovely family are moving in very soon.
Rest assure that doors will be properly fixed and
everything will be ready and waiting for you.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

590. Hochst a. M

Dear Sarah,

The administration building for the I.G. Farben by Peter
Behrens, features a large hall along which offices are set.
The design of this hall emulates the spatial layout of the
Larkin Building by Frank Lloyd Wright.


589. Stockholm, Drottninggatan

Querida Cristina,

El edificio para los almacenes Bredenberg en Estocolmo,
fue una obra que Asplund construyó después de la
exposición de 1930. En este edificio funcionalista de
influencia mendelsoliana, el gran maestro sueco demostró
que el cambio que había experimentado su forma de
proyectar con la Exposición había sido auténtico y por
tanto completamente asimilado.
Hoy día este edificio aun conserva la delicadeza en la
composición de sus fachadas, pero desgraciadamente ha
perdido todo el encanto que tenía el interior a excepción
de la gran escalera que aún perdura.

Un beso y cuidate mucho.

588. Trencianske Teplice. Bratislava

Dear Tom,

Czech functionalist architect Jaromír Krejcar designed
the Sanatorium Machnác. This building is one of the
most important works of functionalist architecture in
Slovakia. Just a few years later he also designed the
renowned Czech Pavil­ion at the Paris Exposition of


587. Budapest. Margaret Island. Entrance of the Spa Palatinus

Dear David,

A Hungarian masterpiece of the Bauhaus movement is
the Palatinus Open Air Swimming Pool in Budapest.
A Simple but sophisticated building complex. One of its
most striking architectural features is the spiral staircase
that provides access to the pools. Its shape shows clearly
its function.


586. The New Sea Wall, Canvey Island

Dear Norman,

The cutting edge Labworth Cafe was built in 1933 to
resemble the bridge of the splendid and ultra modern
"Queen Mary" as seen from the beach. Remarkably
enough, it is the only building solely designed by
legendary engineer Ove Arup.


585. Alessandria. Corso Teresio Borsalino


Este edificio de Gardella recuerda enormemente al de
la Barceloneta de Coderch. Ambos presentan un nivel
de detalles constructivos exquisito, y ambos se
construyeron al mismo tiempo aunque la Barceloneta se
acabo dos años mas tarde. Tanto Gardella como
Coderch estan considerados maestros indiscutibles de la
segunda vanguardia.
“..... siempre he creído que en la arquitectura hay algo más,
algo inalcanzable racionalmente” (Ignazio Gardella)


584. Cuba. Ciudad de la Habana. Hotel Riviera

Querida Gloria,

El Hotel Riviera fue fundado por el gangster Meyer Lanski
vinculado con en el mundo de los casinos y las transacciones
mafiosas. Celebridades como Salvador Allende, Johnny
Weismuller, Ginger Rogers, Nat King Cole o Ava Gardner
se hospedaron o llegaron a trabajar en este clasico del
Vedado habanero.

Mil besos.

583. Berlin Rudow Gropius Hochhaus

Dear Dan,

"A modern building should derive its architectural significance solely from the vigour and consequence 
of its own organic proportions. It must be true to itself, logically transparent, and virginal of lies or trivialities." (Walter Gropius)
