202. Greetings from Sydney

Dear Jan,

This first postcard is called Opera Dishouse. This
is what Marco Berton says about his dream:
"This concept was envisaged at the age of 4.
Seeing a photo of the Opera House, I believed it
to be a rack of drying dishes. I was subsequently
disappointed upon arriving in Sydney several
years ago, finding something other than what
I'd expected. (on the second postcard)
I dedicate this to that dream. The Toaster though
is a recent interpretation"


201. Donostia-San Sebastian. Txillidaren Peine de los Vientos

Dear Louis,

“Boundaries are actually the main factor in space,
just as the present, another boundary, is the main
factor in time.” (Eduardo Chillida)


200. Funchal (Madeira) Casino Park Hotel

Estimat Mayol,

"Van esdevenir grans terratrèmols i inundacions i,
en el breu espai d'una nit, la Atlantida es sumio en
la terra entreoberta" (Platon)


199. Bob Hope's Palm Springs Home

Dear Greg,

"The purpose of Architecture is to improve human
life. Create timeless, free, joyous spaces for all
activities in life"
(John Lautner)
“Too much of what goes on today are 'facilities'...
they are seldom architecture,”
(John Lautner)


198. Plug-in city, overhead view-Peter Cook, Archigram 1964

Dear Aston,

Just an interesting quotation by Peter Cook
"We are in the ideas business...Certainly architecture
should be "propositional". Every piece should say
"Yes, well, we know that that is the circumstance,
the requirement, the context, the likelihood.. but this
is the potential, this is a twist of the story and this
well... its something over and above... maybe relevant,
maybe contradictory"

Please let me know.

197. Barcelona. Torre Agbar

Mary kate,

Hoy mientras te esperaba
me he sentado enfrente de
la Torre Agbar. Como hoy
es viernes, cuando ha
oscurecido la Torre se ha
iluminado y ha ido cambiando
de color lentamente. Todo ha
sido como una gran fiesta de
luz que anunciaba tu presencia.
He pensado en los cientos de
colores desplegados en los
fragmentos de azulejos del
Parque Guell al que fuimos
ayer y en los colores del
vestido floreado que llevabas.


196. Looshaus, Wien

Dear Kathryn,

The Goldman & Salatsch Building,
aka the Loos House is famous for
its clean lines and lintel-less windows.
Very controversial building, it was
much criticized when built. Some
comments from Franz Josef, for
instance, described the building as
having "windows without eyebrows".


195. Watergate Office Building

Dear Sarah,

The Watergate's lead architect, Italian Luigi Moretti,
apparently was "Mussolini's favorite architect".
The complex is notable for being the only U.S. building
designed by this Italian architect. The curvilinear 
complex, which includes the hotel, two office buildings, 
and three apartment buildings, was designed and 
constructed between 1964 and 1971.


194. Barcelona. Casa Batllo (Gaudi)

Querido Jose,

He leido que Gaudi paso mucho tiempo trabajando
en una maqueta de escayola de esta casa ensayando
las ondulaciones y los ritmos de la fachada.
Los barandales en forma de mascara fueron tambien
modelados a escala 1:1 en yeso antes de ser construidos.

Un abrazo.

193. Dulles International Airport

Dear Norman,

Dulles Airport was the first airport in the world
specifically designed for jet air crafts.
Mobile lounges that brought passengers from the
terminal to the airplanes were one of the many of
its experimental architectural features.


192. John F. Kennedy Int. Airport-TWA Terminal

Dear Felix,

The Terminal 5 or TWA Terminal by Eero Saarinen
is a building in which the architecture express the
drama and specialness and excitement of travel.
The shape were deliberately chosen in order to emphasize
an upward-soaring quality of line, an uplift.


191. Cervinia-Breuil m.2050

Dear Aston,

The Casa del Sole Condominium Building was
devised by Carlo Mollino as a vertical sport center
to be built in the mountains. On the roof there was
to be a skiing club. Walking through the sports center
would be a form of initiation: "you go in a citizen and
come out a skier" After a series of alterations the
project was built in 1953.


190. Maison du Peuple de Clichy

Dear Alvaro,

And here is Prouvé’s finest hour: the Maison du Peuple
in Clichy: an avant-garde civic/market hall made of
prefabricated parts, held up by a skeletal frame,
housing a free column interior covered with an
incredible operable rooftop.
Probably Le Cobusier's ideal building.


189. Lille, La Foire Internationale

Dear Alvaro,

This construction was rebuilt in 1951 on the occasion
of the International Textile Exhibition. Prouve was
commissioned to supervise the details and execution
of the work. For the front north and the return side,
the construction details were mainly focused on a
panel composed of metallic elements, steel and
aluminum, made by Jean Prouve workshops


188. Logroño. Ayuntamiento

Querido Juan,

Moneo, hablando de los edificios en la ciudad dice: “La
dignidad debe proporcionarla su relación con la ciudad,
y cuanto más tenga el edificio sentido desde ella tanto más
dejará de ser un objeto para pasar a ser pieza clave de ella”
